Chief Executive Officer's Message

Anthony Partington

Chief Executive Officer, XCL Education (Malaysia)

At REAL Schools – International and Private we are focused on preparing your child for the real world. 

Many schooling systems were designed for a different age – the age of the factory, the assembly line. Students were taught compliance rather than self-regulation. At our school, we believe that we should be teaching students to be resilient, adaptable, and able to learn about new situations and technologies and to work in jobs or deal with problems that we do not yet know will arise. 

Our academic results are testament to the hard work of our students, the expert guidance of their highly qualified teachers and the informed support of their families. We believe that all our students’ families are part of our school family and that the difficult responsibility of raising children is one that benefits from being shared. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s learning and we provide them with weekly updates and information sessions, to provide the necessary support and reassurance. 

We know that great learning does not happen through academics alone. Our school caters for the whole child. Through our co-curricular programmes, students are afforded opportunities for leadership and participation in experiences that develop aspiration, resilience, and the understanding of others. Success can come in different areas, and we celebrate all these achievements and accomplishments as a community. 

We work on achieving great academic and co-curriculum outcomes for our students, so that they not only get to the interview for the next step in their learning or their dream job, but they also have the character and skills to secure those opportunities and thrive in them and life.

And above all we work hard to ensure that our students feel safe and are happy. We set a high bar for safety and the welfare of our students. By following the highest standards for child protection and for the prevention of serious harm and abuse to young people, we are meticulous in our checks on staff and in their training to ensure that the necessary steps and actions are taken to protect students and nurture their development in school and outside. 

We hope that you will take the time to visit us, so that you too can experience what it is like to be part of us. I look forward to welcoming you to our school soon.